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Cultural Etiquette and Tips for Travelers in Barcelona

Traveling to Barcelona offers a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in Catalonia's rich culture, but like any destination, understanding local customs and etiquette can greatly enhance your experience. Here’s a guide to navigating cultural norms and making the most of your trip to Barcelona:

1. Greetings and Interactions

  • Greetings: In Catalonia, it's common to greet with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek (starting with the left). However, a handshake is usually sufficient in formal settings.

Why are two kisses a greeting in Spain and not in other countries? « Euro  Weekly News

  • Language: While Catalan and Spanish are both official languages, many locals speak Catalan among themselves. Attempting a few phrases in Catalan or Spanish, such as "Hola" (hello) and "Gràcies" (thank you), is appreciated.

How To Determine The 3 Differences Between Catalan vs. Spanish — Sololingual

2. Dining Etiquette

  • Meal Times: Spaniards typically eat lunch around 2 pm and dinner around 9 pm. Restaurants may be less busy during early evening hours.

When and What to Eat and Drink in Spain

  • Tipping: A service charge is often included in the bill, but leaving a small tip (5-10%) for exceptional service is appreciated.

Leaving tips in Spain. How much, when, how and why

3. Respecting Cultural Sites

  • Dress Code: When visiting churches, such as the Sagrada Família or Barcelona Cathedral, dress modestly with covered shoulders and knees out of respect for religious sites.

Book Barcelona Cathedral Tickets and Tours

  • Photography: Always ask before taking photos of locals, especially in markets or smaller establishments where privacy might be valued.

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4. Navigating Public Spaces

  • Public Transport: Barcelona has an efficient metro and bus system. Validate your ticket before boarding and be mindful of priority seating for elderly or disabled passengers.

How does public transportation work in Barcelona

  • Street Safety: Pickpocketing can be a concern in crowded tourist areas. Keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying valuables openly.

British tourists are most likely to be pickpocketed in Spain hotspot |  Travel News | Travel |

5. Cultural Sensitivity

  • Politics and History: Avoid discussing sensitive topics like Catalan independence unless invited by locals who are willing to share their perspectives.

Civil liberties in Spain? The clampdown against the Catalan independence  movement | Counterfire

  • Bullfighting: While bullfighting is part of Spanish tradition, opinions on the practice vary. Respect diverse viewpoints when discussing cultural traditions.

Spanish-style bullfighting - Wikipedia

6. Local Customs and Festivals

  • Festivals: Barcelona hosts vibrant festivals throughout the year, such as La Mercè and Sant Jordi. Embrace the festive spirit but be mindful of noise levels and local regulations, especially in residential areas.

La Mercè 2024 in Barcelona - a Festival Like No Other

7. Shopping and Bargaining

  • Bargaining: It's not customary to bargain in retail stores, but you can negotiate prices at flea markets and street vendors within reason.

Time measures at the center of collective bargaining agreements | Uses of  Time

8. Environmental Awareness

  • Waste Management: Barcelona promotes recycling. Look for designated bins for different types of waste and use reusable bags when shopping.

Household waste collection | Cleaning and Waste | Ajuntament de Barcelona

Where to sleep? 

1 - Apartment with shared terrace

2 - Corporate executive apartment 

3 - Apartment with terrace and balcony

Check all of our options here:

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