In 1990, the film Pretty Woman caused a furor and quickly became a cinematic icon that remains to this day. This film was directed by Garry Marshall and starred Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.
Now, after its international success in different countries, it is possible to enjoy the Musical Pretty Woman for the first time in Spain. The musical maintains the narrative framework of the hit film and is enriched by an exciting soundtrack.
This is the musical that will make you dream of the fairy tale taken from one of the most beloved romantic comedies in history!
Where: Teatre Apolo
When: From 22 September
Timetable: Tuesday to Thursday - 20:00 h; Fridays and Saturdays - 17:00 and 20:30 h; Sundays and holidays - 17:00 h.
Approx. duration: 2 hours 30 min. with a break.
Age: All audiences
Tickets: from 23€.
Where to sleep?
Now all you need is the perfect accommodation - and My Space Barcelona is here to help you with that!
Here are some of our suggestions:
1 - Apartment with private terrace
2 - Duplex in Barcelona City Center
3 - Duplex with Swimming Pool
Check all of our options here:
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