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Gaudí Beyond the Usual: Lesser-Known Works of Antoni Gaudí

When people think of Antoni Gaudí, iconic landmarks like the Sagrada Família, Park Güell, and Casa Batlló often come to mind. However, Barcelona is dotted with lesser-known gems that showcase the brilliance of Gaudí's architectural genius. These hidden treasures offer a more intimate glimpse into his creative mind and are perfect for those looking to explore beyond the typical tourist trail. Here’s a guide to some of Gaudí’s lesser-known works that are well worth a visit.

Casa Vicens

Overview: Casa Vicens, located in the Gràcia neighborhood, is Gaudí’s first significant project. Completed in 1885, this house is a stunning example of his early work and sets the stage for his later masterpieces.


  • The vividly colored facade adorned with floral and geometric tiles.
  • The lush garden, which serves as an oasis in the bustling city.
  • The richly decorated interiors featuring intricate tile work and wooden ceilings.

Tips: Casa Vicens is often less crowded than other Gaudí sites, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful visit. Guided tours are available to help you fully appreciate the building's historical and architectural significance.

Torre Bellesguard

Overview: Torre Bellesguard, also known as Casa Figueres, stands on the site of a medieval castle and blends neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau styles. Built between 1900 and 1909, this residence is one of Gaudí's more restrained designs but still carries his unmistakable signature.


  • The unique blend of medieval and modernist elements.
  • The stunning views of Barcelona from the tower.
  • The beautiful garden with Gaudí’s characteristic wrought-iron gates and furniture.

Tips: Torre Bellesguard is a hidden gem that offers a serene experience. Audio guides and guided tours are available, providing insights into the building's history and Gaudí’s vision.

Colònia Güell

Overview: Located just outside Barcelona in Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Colònia Güell is an industrial village featuring a crypt designed by Gaudí. This unfinished project was intended as a church for the workers of the Güell textile factory.


  • The Crypt, with its stunning use of catenary arches and colorful mosaics.
  • The integration of natural forms and innovative structural solutions.
  • The peaceful surroundings, offering a break from the city's hustle and bustle.

Tips: Colònia Güell is easily accessible by train from Barcelona, making it a perfect half-day trip. Explore the village and learn about Gaudí’s architectural techniques through informative displays and guided tours.

Casa Calvet

Overview: Casa Calvet, located in the Eixample district, is one of Gaudí's more conventional buildings, designed for a textile manufacturer. Despite its traditional appearance, it includes many subtle Gaudí touches.


  • The ornate facade featuring wrought-iron balconies and decorative sculptures.
  • The innovative interior design, which includes unique furniture and fixtures designed by Gaudí.
  • The rooftop, with its charming chimneys and decorative elements.

Tips: Casa Calvet now houses a restaurant, allowing visitors to enjoy Gaudí’s work while dining. Reservations are recommended, especially if you want to explore the interior.


1 - Apartment with swimming pool

2 - Attic Apartment with swimming pool and terrace

3 - Boutique Apartment

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